Customization of a data visualization application based on Google Workspace

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Customization of a data visualization application based on Google Workspace

Service type:

Technology Solutions


Billennium specialists have designed and implemented a Google Workspace-based, user-friendly, customized data visualization and management application for a biotechnology client.

  • Customer profile

    A top Fortune500 Biotech company, renowned for in-vitro diagnostics and groundbreaking solutions across critical disease domains. 

  • The Goal

    The project’s main goal was to create a user-friendly custom data visualization application that would allow the client to see all the information they need while maintaining visual appeal and saving costs.

  • The Challenge

    Adaptable and responsive data visualization is imperative for any organization to thrive in the data age. Our client managed numerous Google Workspace sites, each catering to various projects and topics. Vital presentation data, often extracted directly from Excel spreadsheets, needed to be available in diverse formats, presented appealingly as pivot tables, lists, folders, and graphs.  

    The client initially had a third-party data visualization application, but it grew costly over time and raised security concerns. The need for a proprietary data visualization solution became evident. For our team, the project was a challenge, as user needs evolved over time as new data emerged requiring innovative visualization methods. 

  • The Solution

    Our project team of experts in the Google Workspace area set out to create a user-friendly application that resembles a familiar interface while meeting employees’ current needs. After conducting a business and technical analysis, our team made a successful Proof of Concept (POC). Once approved, our developers meticulously implemented additional requirements one by one.  

    We embed spreadsheet settings, simplify configuration, and customize visual and UI elements, ensuring that they are consistent with the client’s brand identity. 

  • The Outcome

    With the custom application design prepared by our experts, client-side business users seamlessly integrate spreadsheet data into their corporate sites. The solution allows users to create customized tables and templates for displaying data, improving visual appeal when embedded in Google Workspace pages. Our client now operates as a truly data-driven organization, supported by an IT architecture that meets their data processing needs, especially in visualization.


Google Cloud Platform / AppEngine / Cloud SQL / Google Sheets API / Java 8 / Spring Boot / MySQL / Hibernate / Gradle / Spock / Flyway / JavaScript / Webpack / NPM / React

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